HomeReal Estate Edition FeaturesPrint ToolsSaved Publications (Templates) Feature

5.3. Saved Publications (Templates) Feature

Updated 07.12.12

You may want to use some of the templates you have created over and over without recreating the form each time.  Or, you may want to create a template that can be modified slightly for different applications.  The Saved Publications feature allows you to create and save a template within your Print On Demand feature that you can re-open and either update or print whenever you need to.

To save a template for future use:

1. Create your Template (click here to view instructions for creating a new template). 

2. When you have finished modifying and proof-reading your template, click the Save In My Account link

3. Type the name of your document in the Print Publication Display Name field

4. Click the Save button to save your template 

5. View the saved templates by opening your Print Tools feature, then choosing the View Saved Publications option

You can update your saved publications by opening them, making the desired modifications, then re-saving the form using the same filename.

To save a separate version of a saved publication:

1. Click on the Real Estate Tools tab, then select Print Tools

2. Click Saved Publications under the VIEW heading

3. Click the thumbnail of the document you wish to modify

4. The Customize Your Information page will open.  Make desired updates to the template

5. When you have finished modifying and proof-reading your template, click the Save In My Account link  

6. Type the new name of your modified document in the Print Publication Display Name field 

7. Click the Save button to save your template


To delete a saved form from your My Saved Publications file:

1. Open the Print Tools feature

2. Click Saved Publications under the VIEW heading

3. Click the thumbnail of the document you wish to delete

4. The Customize Your Information page will open. Scroll to the bottom portion

5. Click the Delete button located just above the User Alert section

Note: Deleting Saved Publications is immediate and permanent.  Once a saved publication has been deleted, it cannot be restored or undone. 

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