HomeNewPandaAdministrative Features for Corporate PartnersEntity Functions & Reports

16.7. Entity Functions & Reports

Updated 05.02.18

The Entity Functions feature allows you to ceate special reports associated with your firm, region or office location, depending on your access level.

Select the Admin link from your NewPanda tool set in the upper right portion of the screen, beneath your name.  When the Admin page opens, you can filter for specific users, locations or package types.

If your permissions are such that you have administrative access to a region or the entire corporation, use the Entity Tree, User Profile, and/or Package Type section to specify the range of information you'd like in your summary report.  For example, if you'd like to view activity for a particular location, use the Entity Tree section to choose your location:


If you'd like to view activity for a specific user, enter some or all of the individual's First and/or Last name in the User Profile section, then click Search for Users.  Activate the Inactive Users field if you want to include inactivated records for the location(s) you're searching for.


The Package Type section is not used by most NewPanda partners; leave "All" selected.


Once you've selected your filter criteria, the Entity Functions link will allow you to update the Name, Address, Phone numbers, Time Zone for the specific LOCATION you have selected.



The Entity Reports link will allow you to generate User-based or Office-based reports, depending on the criteria you've used.
*Note: When running user-based reports, users with no activity in the specified period will not be shown.


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