HomeNewPandaAutopilot How-To's and Help TopicsAutopilot Birthdays and Milestone eCards

7.3. Autopilot Birthdays and Milestone eCards

These Auto-Pilot eCards are created by date-related information about a specific contact in their contact record, ie birthdate or other important date you have added.  For a contact to receive a Birthday or Milestone Anniversary Autopilot eCard, they must meet all the following criteria once you activate the event:

   1.  Have a valid email address in your database
   2.  Be in "opt-in" status (not unsubscribed)
   3.  Have present in their contact record a date correlating to the event selected
          Example: for Mary Smith to receive the Birthday Autopilot eCard, she must not be
                       Unsubscribed, must have a valid email address, and must have a birthdate
                       present in her contact record.

Realtors: The Customer Anniversary field in the Important Dates for each contact represents the CLOSING DATE of the contact's last real estate purchase transaction and is used for Home Anniversary. 

Birthday and Anniversary Autopilot messages are created once per day, beginning just after midnight, to alleviate system drag while many users might be logged in.  Please allow up to 24 hours for your Birthday and Anniversary event eCards to appear in your Your Messages list.


Activating Contact-Based Autopilot eCards

Check the Active box to activate a particular Autopilot event.

1.  By default, each Autopilot contact-based eCard event you activate will generate an eCard
     for every contact in your database fitting the criteria stated above. 

2.  We'll automatically create an eCard for each contact-based Autopilot event you activate 14 days 
     in advance.  These eCards will appear in your Your Messages feature once we've created them for
     you.  At that time, you'll be able to edit the template, contents, recipients, and Send Date.

Inactivating Contact-Based Autopilot eCards

Uncheck the Active box from your Autopilot Settings feature to inactivate a particular Autopilot event. 

1. Previously activated, auto-created Autopilot eCards will be permanently deleted upon
    inactivation of your Autopilot event.  If you edited your eCard template, contents, recipient
    list or send date, those changes will be lost.

2. If you re-activate the Autopilot event, new Autopilot eCards will be created for you as
    described in Section I above, using our default template, content, and send date.

Your message will automatically be saved in your Your Messages feature. 

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