Home → NewPanda → eMessages How-To's and Help Topics → How do I use the same content for an eMessage in different templates?
Updated 06.18.13
If you used the Customize a Template method of creating your original eMessage, it's super easy to simply use the Replicate feature to make a copy of it, then click the Change Template link from the "customize your eMessage" page.
In cases where you didn't start with a NewPanda template, we suggest the old "copy and paste" method. That's where you COPY the content you have created in one eMessage, and paste it into a Notepad or Wordpad (.txt) document. Then select the copy from the .txt document, create a new eMessage, select your new template if necessary, and PASTE your content into it. You may need to do a bit of reformatting unless you pasted raw HTML code.