5.31. What's a good Open Rate for an email message?
Updated 08.26.18
It depends on 6,583 things, including but not limited to:
Are you using a 100% OPT IN list?
What is the frequency rate at which you send eMessages?
When's the last time you emailed this group/list/individual?
Do you typically include benefits for opening (eCoupon, discount, some other benefit)?
What is the nature of the information provided?
What other types of marketing are you doing for this group/list/individual?
What's in your Subject Lines?
Is your content such that the recipient's security settings could be blocking the message?
All these items and more affect your open rates, so it's not really possible to tell you what a good open rate is without understanding all of your eMarketing activities, the nature of your recipient list and your eMarketing history. BUT Smart Insights provides some interesting information on AVERAGE OPEN RATES for eMarketing that we think you'll find both interesting and super helpful!
Here are some marketing factors to consider and quick pointers on increasing your open rates and decreasing your unsubscribes:
The message may not be pertinent to each individual recipient right now - they may not have an immediate need for the service or product offered. Or, they may be busy. Summer time and holiday time = vacation time, and your open rates may be lower during certain times of the year than others.
Whether the recipient reads every message or not, they see your name in their email inbox each time (that's called "an impression"). It brings you to mind and therefore increases your brand awareness, regardless of whether the recipient chooses to read each particular message. Which leads to...
If a recipient really doesn't want to hear from you, they'll UNSUBSCRIBE.
Not everyone prefers to be contacted by email. Don't forget snail mail, social networks and the good old telephone (keeping DO NOT CALL laws in mind!!). Using a variety of marketing methods provides broader coverage and reinforces brand recognition for those contacts you reach out to in several ways.
Don't forget to segment your audience using the NewPanda Groups feature. Contacts getting too many messages that don't fit their current needs will both increase unsubscribe rates and decrease open rates.
Sending specific information to groups that have expressed an interest will increase open rates and drive customer loyalty.