Home → NewPanda → Contacts How-To's and Help Topics → Undeleting Contacts
Updated 03.06.20
NewPanda saves a copy of your deleted contacts for no more than six months. These contacts are stored in a Group NewPanda auto-creates for you (in your Groups feature) called Recently Deleted Contacts. If a contact you want to restore isn't there, we don't have it any longer. Sorry!
If you abandon your account, your data will be removed after 18 months. Accounts are considered abandoned if:
Check out our page on Backing Up your Data to ensure you always have a recent backup copy of your valuable data!
To view Recently Deleted contacts, go to the Manage Your Contacts feature, and locate the Filter by Groups & More button. Select Recently Deleted Contacts from the drop-down menu, then click Apply Filter(s).
When the page refreshes, you'll see all available recently deleted records.
You can use the checkbox to the left of the contact record, or use the "Select Contacts" section to select This Page, All or None. Once you've selected some or all contacts, you have two options:
1. Un-delete, Allow Duplicates: Places each "deleted" contact record you've selected back in your
contact database, regardless of whether there is a matching record for the contact in your
current contacts list.
2. Un-delete, Merge: Places each "deleted" contact record you've selected back in your contact
database, overwriting existing matching record in your current contact list IF:
Pretty easy, huh?