Use the Quick Contact Entry feature to add contacts "on the fly". Simply enter basic information like Name, Email Address, Mobile Phone, Group affiliation and Newsletter subscription status, and then click Add Now. Use the Add More Details button to enter additional information.
To import contacts from an existing file, first save the file as a .CSV (Comma Separated Values) file. The file MUST contain column headers.
Click the Import/Export tab in the Contacts list
Click the Choose File button to browse for your data file
If necessary choose your File Type from the dropdown menu. If your originating file type does not appear in the dropdown list, choose CSV or All Files. This will allow you to map your columns manually. Click OPEN.
Click the Upload button
The Map Fields page will open. Use the dropdown menus for each applicable field in the NewPanda system to select which data from the incoming file should be used in each field.
Click Proceed
The Import page will open. Carefully review the data to be sure that you have correctly mapped your fields (i.e., First Names appear in the FIRST NAME column, etc.). If the data does not match the new column headings, scroll to the bottom of the page and click Change Column Mappings
Select optional destination group(s) for your incoming data
Click Accept/Import
If our system detects duplications, a Potential Duplicate Contacts page will open. You can manually select how each record should be handled, or scroll to the bottom of the page to choose to skip the page (records identified as possible duplicates will not be added) or update all records (records identified as possible duplicates will be imported as updates to existing records). If you have manually determined how each record should be handled, click Process My Choices.