Home → NewPanda → Contacts How-To's and Help Topics → Searching, Sorting and Filtering Contacts
Updated 07.22.14
1. Sort Contacts: To sort your contacts use the Sort Contacts dropdown menu to select the field
by which to sort your contacts.
To view contacts by "last name begins with":
a. Choose Last Name from the Sort by dropdown list, OR
b. Click the appropriate letter along the right side of the main contacts menu. If you have
performed any filters or searches, you'll see only those contacts within your found set whose
last name begins with the chosen letter. To remove your filter, click the All button.
2. Search Contacts: To search / find a contact or contacts, enter some information about the
contact in the Filter section in the upper portion of the Main Contacts page. For example, to
find all contacts that live in Milwaukee, simply enter "Milwaukee" in the search field, then click
the search button.
You can search for any information including zip codes, phone numbers, names (or parts of
names, like "Mc" if you are not sure of the spelling), email addresses (even parts of email
addresses, like "aol")!
3. Filter Contacts: To filter by Group, click the Filter By Groups button to activate the dropdown
menu. System-created groups will appear first; scroll to see your individually-created
groups. You can select one, some or all Groups. Click the Apply Filters button.
The "found" set will appear, and the Filter section will display the Group(s) currently found, along
with the number of records included in the found set. You can search within your found set by
entering additional criteria (email address, name, etc.) in the Search field, then clicking the
Search button.
Click the Clear Filters link to remove all filters, or click the X next to the Group Name to remove
a found Group from your view.