HomeNewPandaeMessages How-To's and Help TopicseListings - Email

5.3. eListings - Email

Updated 02.15.17

See our page on creating eListings to manually create your listings.

SuperQuick video instructions!

Watch the eTools Overview Tutorial video:

1. From the Real Estate Tools tab, click Your Listings

2. Select the appropriate listing, and click Action to view the Action list

3. Select Send Real Estate e-Listing

4. Select your template style by clicking on the thumbnail

5. Select the banner you'd like to use for your eListing by clicking on the desired image.  The Edit Details page will open.

6. Edit details of your message as desired.  You may update your Headline, Sub-headline, property address or other information as desired by selecting appropriate text and replacing it (optional).  PREVIEW your eListing by clicking the Preview button to check grammar, spelling and overall appearance. You may edit and re-Preview as many times as necessary prior to sending.
Recommended:  Click the Send Preview button to email yourself a copy of what your recipients will receive as a test.

7. Click Save & Continue when editing is complete.

8. In the EMAIL DETAILS page, enter an appropriate message name in the Message Name field.  Note: NewPanda will automatically create a default message name since it's a system requirement; we strongly encourage you to overwrite the default message name so that you can find your messages in the Track Your Results and main Messages list pages.

Watch the Email Details & Recipients Video!

9. Enter your Email Subject Line (required). You can also edit your email From Name, email From Address and Reply-to email address if you like.


10. Select your recipients:     

    a. Group(s) - choose one or more groups to which to send your eMessage.  If a particular contact or email address is in multiple Groups, our system will automatically remove duplicates so only one message will be sent per email address.      

    b. Selected Contacts - use the search feature to find and select specific recipients. Be sure to use the > arrows to move the found recipients to the RIGHT side of the page.  This is your SEND list.   

    c. Copy/Paste email addresses - add recipients "on the fly".  Be sure to add the recipients as shown in the example:  First Last EmailAddress MobilePhone (optional)   

    d. Entire Contact List

  You can select multiple options above, however it is unnecessary to choose for instance, a Group AND Entire Contact List.  You don't have to select any recipients now if:

     a. You are only sending a Mobile Message
     b. You are only sending a Social Update
     c. You are not ready to send your eMessage yet

   Click Save & Continue

11. To skip Mobile and Social updates, click Skip Social at the bottom of the page and skip to STEP 13, OR

12. If you want to send a Mobile Message or Social Update in addition to your eMessage, use the Compose your Mobile Message page and/or Compose your Social Update page to do so, then click Save & Continue 

13. Schedule your message: choose to Save as a Draft, Send Now, or Schedule Delivery - Note: all send times are eastern time.  (If you have not selected recipients for your message yet, you can only Save as Draft.) 

14. Click Save & Continue.  All events will be sent at their individually scheduled times.  
NOTE that when scheduling messages for a later date, you MUST activate the Schedule Delivery radio button to activate the calendar.  If you schedule a future date, then click the Send Now radio button, the scheduled date will be removed, and your message will be sent immediately.  Sent messages cannot be recalled or undone.

A copy of your finished product will automatically be saved in your My Messages feature.  If you archive your message before it's actually sent, it will not be sent.


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